"Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhuman." - Rev Dr Martin Luther King, JR
April 5, 6-7:30PM #PassNYHealth Grassroots Organizing Call
The only way to win big things in Albany is by building power across the state and through strategic mobilization.
Join Campaign for New York Health and our statewide coalition for a Statewide Grassroots Organizing Call on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 6:00PM-7:30PM to learn how you can plug into organizing this Spring to help get the New York Health Act across the finish line. RSVP here via Zoom for the April 5 Statewide Grassroots Organizing Call!
On April 5, you’ll hear about ways to plug into basebuilding and mobilization activities from wherever you are in New York. We’ll hear from campaign partners about the fight to End Medical Debt and guarantee healthcare coverage for immigrant New Yorkers and about plans to escalate pressure on lawmakers pass the New York Health Act.
Please share widely the RSVP: https://www.nyhcampaign.org/bigcall040522
April 13, 6-7PM Upstate Health Equity Virtual Forum
New York lawmakers have a historic opportunity to respond to the ongoing healthcare crisis by passing healthcare reforms that bring immediate relief to New Yorkers and that put our state on the road to universal healthcare.
Join Campaign for NY Health and state legislators on Friday, April 13 for an Upstate Health Equity Virtual Forum to hear about the systemic changes that are needed to make healthcare a right in our state and to learn how you can help win healthcare for all this year.
What: Upstate Health Equity Virtual Forum
When: Wednesday, April 13, 6-7PM
Where: Zoom. RSVP here: https://www.nyhcampaign.org/upstateforum2022rsvp
Co-sponsored by Campaign for New York Health, NYS Poor People’s Campaign, New York State Nurses Association, Coalition for Economic Justice, Melanated Moms, Syracuse United Neighbors, ARISE
Affordable, accessible, culturally competent, and comprehensive healthcare is crucial for the immediate and long-term pandemic recovery of our communities. If the U.S. had a public health and universal healthcare infrastructure comparable to those in other high-income countries, an estimated 40% of COVID deaths could have been avoided. Tens of thousands of lives could have been saved.
April 26th SAVE THE DATE! Come to Albany to #PassNYHealth
We are closer than ever to passing the New York Health Act with majorities supporting the bill in the state legislature and many committed care champions fighting in the halls of state power. This beautiful movement has been building power across the state through strategic basebuilding. It is time to mobilize everyone in Albany together!
Please save the date to join Campaign for New York Health and our statewide coalition in Albany Tuesday April 26. There will be buses statewide. We will be keeping an eye on the pandemic and will adjust safety protocols as necessary. More details to come.